Monday, December 17, 2012

Team AH-Mazing! 6-3-12

Welcome to Team Ah-Mazing!   Where Nothing is Impossible.

Motivation abounds and we are given this sometimes daily motivation by our Mother Puma, Tiger, Cat...whatever you choose to call her:  Becki. 

In short, Becki is a bundle of almost endless energy and witty words.   Through her a few of us this weekend ran our first real race of any kind.  We even got a medal to prove it.

Anyways...enter Becki and the next thing you know Amy, Lee Ann, Lili, Stephen, Giselle, Debbie and I have been entered into a real running race where they take note of your start and finish times and everything. 

I wake up at 5:30am to meet up with the group around 6:30am.  Races begin early to avoid the hottest part of the day it appears.  Good!

We take a bunch of photos of our team shirts because each and every one of us is Ah-Mazing!  Each race or event we take part in we will add to the backs of our shirts.

We are all very excited.  A few of us ran a 5K or 10K and Becki was the one who ran the half marathon.  She is a runner already so it was easy (?) for her.  She did a great job and the rest of us did well considering how much experience we had prior.  To give credit a few of us were already runners or had been runners in a past life so for them it was perhaps easier. 

As I said before, I am not a runner but I am proud to say that I ran the 5K and I half ran, half walked the entire thing.  I didn't think it was too hard actually.  I wasn't really out of breath, but the front of my legs hurt on and off so I went from walking to jogging.  I'm proud to say I finished under an hour at about 55 minutes.

Doing this doesn't make me want to run everyday or enter in many races but I wouldn't mind entering another 5K and seeing how I do. 

After the race we went to get our things and we made our way to the free food and beverages.  Acorn soup.  This is a concoction of acorn jelly (think brown jell-o), kimchi, gim (seaweed) and broth.  It was delicious.  Weird, definitely, but actually tasty.  Makkeolli was also served by the bottle as well.  The funniest thing about this was all of the Korean older men and women were wandering around looking for empty water bottles (which abound at races) and then taking them to have them filled and refilled with the milky liquid.  Better them than me, I don't like the stuff.  A few came to our table and tried taking our water bottles and we kept having to stash them in our laps says "No, it's Mine!"  over and over whenever they wished to take them. 

After chatting and eating some of us left and some stayed.  I went home to take a nap and hang with Captain Eddie.  The coolest cat ever.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sending the race story. i never heard the details but you did really well elizabeth.

    mom and dad
