Friday, December 14, 2012

Slippery Gloves


Darn you slippery gloves!
Cellphone needlessly
falling from
my gloved hands
from the bus to the curb
somewhere in between
never to be seen


So that's it in a nutshell.   No more phone.  I somehow lost my cellphone in the 10 seconds it takes to get off a bus.

Yippee skippy.

Nothing was on it that I desperately needed but Joseph and I were taking pictures for this blog so those are lost.

I don't do financial transactions or anything like that on my phone so no worries there and I have already changed any passwords needed to access certain places such as email, Facebook and Pinterest.  

Normally it is a non issue if you lose something in Korea.  Not from personal experience just from conversations with others.  However, being that my phone is the same color as the floor and in silent mode from just leaving work, the odds seem to be against us. 

No stress, just bothersome in getting a new one.

Maybe I can still keep my old number and maybe they can kill it or wipe it so all data is lost just in case.

Possible scenarios: if found the persons can turn it into a post office in the area or a bus driver (or taxi driver if in a taxi), or even police station.  People usually go out of their way here to make sure people get their items back.

Here's hoping.

1 comment:

  1. hi elizabeth,

    i hope you get your phone back, to bad to lose the photos.

