Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sick and Snowing

It is no fun being sick.

It isn't fun being sick and having to work.

It isn't fun having the flu, an ear infection (ouch) and having to work.

Welcome to the past month or so.

Finally on the upswing Joseph and I are feeling much better. Hooray!

Getting back into doing laundry and cleaning and all of that other stuff you forget about when the only thing you do is come home from work and go to bed.
Sleeping is underrated.  Sleeping is awesome.

Snow is awesome.  Joseph may not like snow, but he grew up being required to shovel it and all of the other non-fun things that happen with snow.

Having grown up in Florida my experience with snow is basically non existent.
I love snow.  It makes me happy.  I like playing in it, throwing it, rolling around in it and eating it with honey.

Joseph and I were not able to make a snowman last year because Joseph said the snow wasn't right so today, Joseph gave me that experience!!  He is a great husband!

 After lunch he asked me to put on my jacket and gloves and come outside with him.  He showed me how to roll the snow (who knew you could roll snow??), stack the things on top of each other and then pack in show around the parts to make it look like one unit.
It was so much fun!

I can't wait to do this again and have more time.  Maybe have a snowball fight as well.   :-)

So. Much. Fun.

Joseph is the best!!

1 comment:

  1. please take better care of yourself elizabeth.

    we liked your snowman photos, you and joseph look so cute.

    mom and dad
