Sunday, December 23, 2012

Field Trip to the Farm [4-28]

Toward the end of our year at our first school in South Korea we went on a field trip with 25 students and 3 adults.

Where did we go?

We went to a converted school in the country about an hour away from Daejeon.   The school is now being used as a farm to educate children about dairy products and the proper way to eat.   The children were able to feed baby cows milk, 'make' cheese, make pizza and finally end the day on the coolest slide.

Pizza was first.  The children used the pre-cut ingredients to 'make' their pizza.  While those were cooking the children were taken around the back of the school to the pen where 4 baby cows were located.  They were taught about them and then were given the opportunity to feed them milk and pet them.  

Next was upstairs to the 'cheese making' part of the day.  The children were shown a video and asked questions about cheese and it's nutritional value.  Next, the students were given materials and a large bowl with hot water.  The children were then given a huge block of mozzarella and told to break it into tiny bits into the water.  After playing with their cheese and it melting and all of that, the children took the cheese they 'made' and put it into individual containers to take home.

The slide!  This was a concrete slide on a downward slope.  To stop your slide was a smattering of stones and a very worn, out door carpet.  The kids [and Joseph!] took their plastic gliders to the top of the hill and and had a blast for about an hour.

It was a great field trip and the children had a good time.

such pretty cows

each child was able to feed the cows

each child had an opportunity to turn the handle to make the rice "popcorn"

Teacher, you and Elizabeth are married?

Elizabeth and Elizabeth LOL

rice is ready!

Mikey, he likes it!

Nope.  Hygiene is not an issue in Korea...

our cheese makers!

Smart Board, how we miss thee!

the best part of the day!

who is this Korean guy?

oh wait!  That's my handsome hubby! 

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