Sunday, December 23, 2012

Beach Weekend: Busan 9/14-16/2012

Our weekend in Busan was exactly what we wanted: stress free and fun.

It doesn't take a lot to make us happy.

We wanted the beach, The Wolfhound, and a few beverages.

We walked around Busan and the beach area of Haeundae Beach and enjoyed ourselves.  Nothing touristy unless you count The Wolfhound, but honestly you wouldn't know it was there unless you lived here.

a walking trail hugging the shore

We will come another weekend for the Cave Bar (good eats in a bomb shelter) and we will explore the Fish Market, Russia Town/China Town more closely.

Enjoy the pictures. 
This is just a photo blog post.

our delicious and amazing breakfast

Haeuendae Beach, Busan

more walkway hugging the coastline


our view from the Wolfhound

our comic friend: outside the Wolfhound.
He was there about an hour alternating between this and staggering around
it is about noon

we took a long walk

the Wolfhound entrance (2nd floor)

a rainy weekend when we went, there was some kind of foreigner scavenger hunt that
Joseph helped out and later I did as well

Empty Haeuande Beach


Insert appropriate "aww" here

1 comment:

  1. good photos elizabeth, and yes i uttered the appropriate 'ahh'.

    mom and dad
