Sunday, April 7, 2013

Little Miss Kitty

This weekend the weather is beginning to cooperate with Spring.

Friday it hit upper 60's and this weekend was 40's to 50's. 
Little by little...

Joseph and I had a quiet weekend.  We stayed indoors for the most part but had dinner with friends on Friday night and then took ourselves to eat dalk galbi Saturday night. 

On Sunday, it was finished raining so we rode our bikes to the Timeworld area and ate McDonalds then went to Starbucks for coffee.

After that we decided to check out the Cat Cafe which was somewhere in the building next door to the Starbucks.

Joseph and I have been to a Cat Cafe before and the kitties are usually not very active.  At this one they were quite active but it became apparent they love to eat!  The place was clean and smelled good.

We paid 8,000W per person and got a free beverage from it as well.  I don't think we had paid an enterance fee before, but it all goes to a good cause so it wasn't bad--although Joseph was not pleased about the entrance fee.

Still, it is blog worthy and we had a nice time petting the cats.

We did observe something gross though:  one of the cats jumped up on a table and a woman's purse was open.  He stepped in and around it then hopped off the low table.  The same cat came back about 5 minutes later and peed in her purse.  Gross!  We were the only people to notice in a room of about 15 people so Joseph told the owner of the cafe about it and she took care of it from there.   Apparently the woman who owned the purse was fine with it.  Gross.  We were not fine with it, but thank goodness it wasn't ours.  Maybe they have a cat or dog at home.

We rode our bikes home and I found a pretty cherry blossom to take a photo of--but my photos are not as pretty as what Joseph or Kate take!  


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