Monday, April 22, 2013

Weekend Workouts

This weekend was a bit dissapointing but it all worked out in the end.

Saturday we woke up to SNOW.  Yes.  Crappy snow.

It lasted about an hour or so but after that it was cold and wet and honestly didn't want to go anywhere so we didn't.  We stayed home.  All cuddly and warm.  I don't even think we left the house. 

Sunday was another story: warmish and sunny.  Is spring bipolar?

Anyway, Joseph and I needed some fresh air so he went for a bike ride and I went for a 6 mile jog/walk.  In about 1.5 hours.  It was awesome.

Joseph and I really enjoy our bikes and neither of us is a runner.  Some how I had it in my head I wanted to jog.  I needed to move.  About 3 hours after, my feet were killing me and when I woke up Monday, my legs doth protested.  Still, I wanted to do it again on my way home.

We had dinner with a friend and his girlfriend and then went back home to relax until the daily grind Monday.

On the upside, we have approximately 2-3 months until our contracts are up.  CAN'T. WAIT.
he must have been comfy because I stood there a few minutes and he didn't budge

the older generation looking for edible weeds and greens to feed their family (true story)

yes I'm wearing sunscreen.

walking across the river on stones. it's about 2 feet deep where these are

ducks nesting next to the river

stones I'm walking across.  Completely fantastic

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