Saturday, March 16, 2013


Maple Bear graduation. It was everything a proper graduation should be.
A magician, fire, an opera singer, Mickey and Minnie Mouse even put in an appearance.
All of this for 7 year olds? Korean age 7 year olds. Which means they are really western age 6.
For real?
All this for that?
Oh yes.
Each class in the school except my 3 year olds were required to perform for the graduating class of 20 kids.
B-rian and I nabbed a seat in the very back to get a great view of the spectacle and to be well out of earshot and eyesight of anyone who might need our assistance.

We proceeded to support our spouses but also to laugh our heads off and discuss what we were witnessing.
Can you believe the next week some parents came in upset that the performance and graduation were not grand enough? That blew all of our foreign minds.
In Korea, children begin normal schooling when they are 8 years old. Before that it is normal to begin at a kindergarten at age 3.  The graduation is a bigger deal when the graduate to the public schools like we are more familiar with.
After the 3 hour graduation we went to a staff dinner to say goodbye to foreigners leaving and to welcome 2 of our new foreign teachers.

1 comment:

  1. we enjoyed your critique of the graduation, good job. the pictures are cute, too. i like your hair elizabeth, very cute. love, mom and dad
