Sunday, August 12, 2012

Our Time in the U.S.A. June/July 2012

As some of you know Joseph and I had separate vacations this year.

Joseph went home for 2 weeks and then when he returned I had a 3 week vacation in Florida.

We went home to see our family and friends and to go shopping for items it is hard to get here or we can't get them at all.
Uncle Doug's Famous Recipe and a Watermelon
First day home by the pool

Joseph spent all of his time in one place but I was able to travel around to 3 different locations:
to see my family (as much of them as I could at the time), my friend Billie Jo and her children, and then Joseph's brother and his family.  We both had a wonderful time at home.  It was nice to be back and smell the familiar smells, see familiar things and to be able to buy items in stores!!  To be able to walk into any store and know that the clothes and shoes will FIT was amazing.  To walk into any grocery store and be able to get the spices and fruits and veggies we wanted was great.

I swear, we both walked in to Publix and stared for a good minute before shopping. 

Joseph spent the time with his brother and his family.  They were still working as summer vacation had not quite started yet but they had tons of quality time together.  They went to Disney and to various restaurants and did a lot of shopping.

I was with my parents for a week and saw my aunt and as many cousins as I could and I saw my grandma.  She's the best.  I also got some great shopping deals going with my mom and dad on certain days--as they could use their "over 55 discount."
gifts from Korea

Sammies!  Turkey, roast beef, real mayo!

Happy Birthday Dad!

Celebrating 2 birthdays and a home coming!
Delicious foooooood
Fourth of July with Tim and family!  :-)

Sweet tea, the newspaper and Grandmommy. No one does it better.

Hey Granddaddy

3 generations

Bye guys.  See you in a year and a half or so

 At the end of that week I rented a car and went to Polk County to visit my friends from my old school.  We met at an establishment and had a great time laughing and talking to catch up.  We had dinner and then I went to St. Petersburg to visit for a week with my best gal, Billie Jo and her boys.
Goofy guys  :-)

Gorgeous gals

Whew!  What a time!  Billie Jo and I never have a boring time.  Whether we are going on a 5 minute drive to get gas or sitting on her couch all day.
Best Cafe con leche in Florida!

Skyline Chili! 

LOL. When we asked him to pretend he hadn't eaten in days he didn't disappoint!


He ate the entire thing! 

As it so happens, a road trip was in order.  A few things happened and we ended up driving just a little bit away from Macon, Georgia to pick up her cousin.  We did a straight through the night, no stopping to sleep in a hotel, just stopping for food and gas road trip.  We literally laughed most of the way.  Especially when the car about ran out of gas twice in the middle of nowhere at 3am.  We honestly made a plan to siphon gas 'just in case' (we took back roads all the way).  Luckily we came out of nowhere just in time and found a few gas stations that were open--thank goodness!

Road trip!!
We got back about 11am the next day and slept for a couple of hours then we were up again playing with the boys and doing activities with them.

After dressing up as cows to get free meals at Chick-Fil-A and donating blood for more free meals it was time to head over to my brother and sister in Brandon.

What a fantastic week!  Filled with nothing but hanging out and talking and playing around and getting to see the most beautiful and happy people.  Eating at a few restaurants and a few shopping expeditions and it was a great week.  I wish it could have been much longer.


Joseph and I enjoyed our trip back to Florida.   Enjoy some of the pictures from our trips home!


  1. see you soon ! ! ! ! ! ! !

    mom and dad

  2. Glad you got lots of pictures of everyone! My week was so rushed that I barely remembered to get a few towards the end. Can't wait until next year! :)
