Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Korea: Year 2 June/July 2012

You know why Joseph and I moved here.  You know us and you know how we roll.
So what is this Korea Year 2 business?

Just a reaffirmation of our goals and what we want to accomplish and taking stock of what we have already accomplished.  In writing. 

1. Loans....

Yes they are still there yet happily diminished.  Not quite half way but by the end of this year they will be at least half way gone.  We are very determined.  YIPPEE!!!!

2.  Traveling: 

With all of our loan paying, we travel as cheap as we can.  Backpacking and hostels or pensions.  We don't mind and in fact have fun with it.  We like it. We don't do it because it's cheaper--although it certainly helps! 

Japan is on call for our Lunar New Year vacation.  We will hopefully go with our good friend, Lee Ann (if we can manage it money wise).  We have plans to go to Cambodia, or Thailand during our winter vacation.  Other than that, we want to travel more around Korea and try and hike the major mountains here.  Hiking is great exercise and it's fun when it isn't so HOT.

In addition, we would also like to do another DMZ tour which goes to Panmunjom.  This is the only place where it is possible for South and North Korea to hold talks. It is a historic place that holds significance of representing the tension and conflict that existed during the Cold War and is testimony to the division of the Korean Peninsula.

When we go there will be better pictures but I snagged these off Google Images.
Check out this blog for a couples experience of the place.

3.  Enjoying each other and our cat while saving money. 

4.  Family.  I shall leave this to your good will and thoughts.  This will be coming up again at a later date.

Year Two officially commences. 

*gong chimes*

1 comment:

  1. we miss you but enjoy your time in soko. sounds like a nice place to spend a few years and earn some money.

