Saturday, August 18, 2012

New Bikes!

Living about a 20 minute walk away from work Joseph and I decided to invest in bikes.

We live in a new neighborhood and we need a way to get around and get to work and other places other than our feet.

We have been going to work, shopping and everything in between with our new bikes.

Tons of fun and we have been all over Daejeon riding our bikes.

We have access to Daejeon's 2 rivers near our new apartment and have been riding all over Daejeon through the river trails. 
So much fun!

Aww man!  Do we have to ride to work in the rain?

Yes, we do.  No problem!

Our rainy bike ride to work

river bike view

not raining but isn't it pretty?
our view riding to work

funny sign on one of our rides--why is it in English?

Heading home after a food shopping trip

Headed home with our purchases

There was an older Korean man to the left of
this picture laughing when I pulled out the camera.


  1. have fun, ride carefully, stay safe.

  2. we really enjoy reading your blog, elizabeth. thanks for sending us your interesting daily real life.
    mom and dad
