Saturday, April 28, 2012

Silence is Golden 4-26

Happy Birthday to me. 

I love my birthday.  Not because of presents and parties but I get to celebrate me being alive and being happy.

This year we are celebrating my birthday in a toned down way.  Nothing big.  Nothing loud.  Just quiet fun. 

Wednesday night is our weekly dinner night in our neighborhood and it happened to be Thai night.    If you don't cook, just bring a few bottles of wine and all is forgiven.Tonight was no different.  Delicious Thai food and birthday cake. At the appointed time an ice cream cake made its appearance along with a box full of awesome. 
Cat socks complete with a tongue (it's Korean), a very cool spoon hand made by Monks, a notebook (I love notebooks) and 2 cards complete with a few pictures of great occasions and a Korean lottery ticket!  Still haven't checked on it but I will.  

The next night, my actual birthday, Joseph took me to a new dalk galbi restaurant and it was delicious.  Kate joined us toward the end and then we came back to our place and Kate gave me her gift from Santorini:  a pretty lava necklace.  Then she left and Joseph and I watched a Korean drama and went to sleep.

This weekend we are doing a mountain hike of sorts at the mountain, Gyeryongsan.  Hanging out and around this mountain doing whatever.  Much fun.

To end my birthday blog is a picture of 2 of the 3 best dogs in Korea.  It just makes me happy.  On the left is Charlie, an American dog; and Messi (named after the soccer player), the coolest boy Korean dog.  Flower is not in this picture but she is the best girl Korean dog who owns Lee Ann.  

1 comment:

  1. hahaha I love my dogs! and Happy Birthday! See you Sunday!
