Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bald is Bad?

As many of you know Joseph and I are approaching the end of our contract for our first year in South Korea.

We are making decisions as to what we will do.  Will we stay another year?  Yes.  Will we stay at our school now?  Not sure but maybe.  Will we move to another school together or separately?  Who knows. 

We have many options as South Korea is a very easy place to get a job and there are hundreds to choose from.

Unless you are bald, tall or both.  Let me introduce my husband.  Have you met him?  He's both.

Earlier today our school secretary was making the rounds and speaking with the students.  The first few times she did this Joseph and I didn't quite catch what was going on.  

During my last class a few minutes ago I understood a few more words:  Joseph good?  Elizabeth good?

The students said: "Elizabeth GOOD!!  Joseph BAD!!"  I did a double take as the secretary left the room and asked the kids to explain in my most awesome teacher voice.  After speaking with and asking probing questions from the students I came to understand that the kids don't like Joseph because he is big (tall) and because his head (no hair).  They like me because I'm little (short) and pretty and have good hair.  Okay??

I ask my boss about this latest discovery and he says yes, he knows the kids think he is 'bad' and I am 'good' for those reasons.  He knew this and he also said he knows it isn't that accurate.  He sees the kids climb into his lap to read to him and beg to be given a ride through the air.  He sees the kids fight to stand next to him and all that good stuff.  He chalked it up to being 'a Korean thing.' 
Blah, blah, blah.

Sorry.  I don't buy that.  There has to be another reason, right?

If, for some magical reason, that is the true reason?  You gotta do better Korea.  That's not right. 

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