Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy 6 in 2012 [March 26, 2012]

Six years ago today Joseph and I said "I do."

We have had a great time being together and we have been through a lot that might have made some couples say good bye.  Not us though.  We are made of stronger stuff.

Since it's our anniversary this is probably the only time each year it's okay for us (really me) to talk about our wedding and not sound silly.

Our wedding was a great day.  Nothing went wrong. The cake didn't fall over, no one lost an eye or a shoe while dancing and no one fell over during our vows. 
The weather was perfect: not too hot or too cold.  It was sunny and a beautiful setting in a garden.  Can't really ask for more than that.  We wrote our own vows and we wrote what we wanted the man marrying us to say.  Since it's our wedding, I don't classify that as being OCD.  We wanted it to be perfect. 

A few people in Korea wanted to see our wedding photos and I didn't think we brought them but one of us was smart before we left Florida and downloaded the CD to our hard drive.  Looking through them just brought back so many happy memories.  We wanted a pretty setting, good pictures and food and a great party with the people we love.  Simple and no fuss.  We had just that, I think.

We usually try and celebrate our anniversary with a trip since it usually takes place around or on Spring Break.  Being in Korea affords us no holiday of any kind and being that we are already on a trip, we didn't do much.  Joseph bought me some flowers, took me to breakfast at our favorite coffee and sandwich shop and we had a dinner picnic of chicken and veggies on our bed since it was too cold to have it on our roof.  We watched a movie and talked and then went to sleep.

Below are some pictures that we especially liked and enjoyed from our wedding.  Not sure why they are posted backwards but I didn't feel like messing with it to reverse it.  Just roll with it. 

Just us cousins

Cousins and grandma

My aunties

Love you Uncle Johnny and Aunt Mary.

This photo has history. 

Joseph, Amy and Allison decorated the ballroom!

Love our family! 

you made me buy a suit for this? 

love you grandma! 

dad actually wearing a suit...hehehe
he was actually speechless later!

lovely ladies

my best girl

his best men  :-p

he handsome husband

he said he was going to do it...

mom and dad both walked me down the aisle

We made our own flower bouquets the night before


Engagement photo


  1. I am so happy for you and Joseph! Your wedding looked so beautiful and fun...I can only hope mine will turn out as good as yours did! Congrats to six years of marriage!

  2. Thanks Trisha! It's not been easy every day but it's been fun and memorable and we wouldn't want it any other way. :)

    You guys can do it!
