Sunday, September 11, 2011

Our *Korean* Family

Expats are common everywhere and in every country.  Korea is no exception.  It is similar to a large high school or a very small college where everyone may not know each other but everyone is aware of everyone who is an expat.  In Daejeon there are about 400 of us.  There are the usual clicks of people who regularly hang out together but usually everyone will hang out at some point in time at various locations.  People plan trips and whoever signs up has the opportunity to mingle with their fellow expats.

Just like in every family not everyone gets along all of the time but we make it work because we are family.  We are the only ones here to help each other out and support each other.  We have weekly dinners to catch up and just speak English with other people who will understand our jokes.  We meet up at other establishments to hear Western music and dance Western dances and drink Western drinks.

We are therapists to each other as needed and who doesn't need a good therapist?  As a good friend said, "Korea is a great therapist and she pays you".  Couldn't have said it better myself.

In Korea you learn a lot about yourself.  All of the drama is gone.  You are left with nothing but your thoughts and your actions (both present, past and future).  All the stuff from home is muted or deleted.  There isn't the normal daily drama going on in your world here.  It is a chance to get to know yourself and/or your relationship with yourself and other people.  You begin to realize of understand how you affect people and the effect you have on them and yourself.  You have the opportunity to fix or delete certain items or people in your life.  It's nice.  Korea cuts through the crap and the support system around you helps you see yourself and helps you along the way to bring out the best and worst and then help you fix it.  Some people hate it here.  They might be here for the wrong reasons. 

Embrace what you are and who you are and allow Korea to help you on your way.  Just don't deny Korea because she finds you whether you want her to or not.

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