Sunday, September 4, 2011

Daecheonghasu Lake 8-27-11

Translated to Big Clean Lake.  I quite like the Korean name more.

Joseph and I hike quite frequently.  This past Saturday we hiked to a lake that is the third largest man made lake in the country.  The lake provides water to Daejeon and Choeongju.  The water is so clean you can drink from it straight out of the lake.  We did not do this but we saw some people who did.  There are places along where we walked where gourds were placed to drink or wash your hands.

full view of park/rice field
Here is the park. Behind this is the rice 'field'

Across the street from the lake was a park/rice farm. Can you guess which part this is? 

Another stream 
Our reward for walking so far and we still had about an hour or so until we got there

All mountains we have been on so far have trails similar to this
Boys playing in stream leading to the lake

Joseph and I walked about 8 miles there and back in addition to up and down two mountains.  It was a blast.  It was tiring and it was fun.  It was beautiful up in the mountains being surrounded by trees and seeing the occasional hikers.  We thought the pictures would speak for themselves in this blog.
All in all, a great day!  Where to on our next hike?

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