Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Welcome to Korea!

Before Joseph and I left Florida we were told that when we arrive we would begin work the next day.  We arrived at the airport in Seoul around 7:30-8pm and made it into Daejeon by bus about 10:30-11.  Awesome Amy met us there and helped us with tickets to our city then to our apartment.

Busses here are taken very seriously.  When you purchase your bus ticket you are also given a seat number.  You must adhere to your seat number.  Apparently in the past of long ago people would get upset because you took their seat, etc. and thus began assigned seats.  I should also mention this is not a school bus, Greyhound or city bus type of bus that American's are familiar with.  This is a reclining seat with seat belts ("kindly wear your seat belt please." says the driver) and it is expected that you do not converse loudly (or at all) on the bus.  HA!

Amy, Joseph and I tried our best to talk softly and eventually we nodded off for a few minutes.  We did not sleep well on the 25 hours of flight.

We arrive at the bus station and the couple who we are replacing met us and we took a taxi to our apt to drop our stuff then go in search of food.  I need to say that 5 adults ate a full meal for less than $16 total. Spectacular.

We have explored our neighborhood a little bit today and we were told also that our neighborhood is the restaurant district and called Mocha Gommo (mot-cha go-mo) so we say that if we are in a taxi and we will usually get dropped off near our building or right in front of it.

We have been too busy to gather an appropriate opinion of our surroundings and country but once we are more settled and less tired and are able to venture forth a bit more we will have more information. 

Welcome to Korea.

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