Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Update on Immigration

Apparently we are not set up with our Alien Regristration Card. We were told yesterday by our director that we needed to go in person to give our fingerprints.  Again??  Not only our our fingerprints in multiple counties in Florida (for teaching purposes only, I swear) but now they are in Korea.  Really?  Isn't there a one stop shop for this kind of thing?  Perhaps Interpol could set up a database for this particular type of noncriminal thing?   I think they may have just wanted to collect the 20,000W...

Anyway, we were told that in about one week our Alien Card would arrive and at that time we would be able to open a bank account.  Oh goody.  So Sallie Mae, and U.S. Dept. of Ed this is the only reason why I haven't paid you the one thousand dollars you take from us each and every month.  I apologize?

On the up side it is entirely possible to live for one month here on less than $500.  That's food money and spending money for local items.  Go American and triple the price.  For instance we ate dinner this evening for about $2.75.

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck! This is great for your budget! cya in a few hours!
