Tuesday, July 5, 2011

We Are Here + 1 Cat

Here we are 2 days in and already have one after dinner gathering and 2 days of work under our belts.  Oh, our cat, Captain Eddie, arrived today also to the city we live in: Daejeon.  He is adjusting well. 

We are settling in and getting situated.  Tomorrow we go to our health thing and get our bank account then apply for our Alien Card.

We will try and do at least 1 weekly post of things happening but right now we have been so busy getting Eddie, working and finding what we need and where to find it.  It's actually really fun.  People here are very nice and wanting to help you with anything you need.  This has been our experience anyway.

It doesn't seem like we are on the other side of the world when we are in our apartment or at work but when we step outside it is a new world to explore. :-)

We will post pictures as well.  If anyone has any preference please leave a comment or email us.


  1. Sounds like things are looking up.

  2. How did Eddie seem? Not traumatized? I remember waiting for my Promise (cocker spaniel) to arrive. We picked her up at the airport the same way as a person, lol!
