Monday, October 7, 2013


Our first week in our new schools and our second full week in our new apartment.

Pretty nice. 

The apartment is very small, but not as small as Ray and Chien's.  No couple apartment is as small as theirs. 

Our new jobs are pretty great.  We have no reason to complain (yet).

Joseph is teaching at a public school for 4 hours each day and I am a professor at a University.  Our schedules are similar in that we both work very few hours but my schedule is different each day while he maintains the same hours each week (2-6pm).  On Thursday's, I don't have any classes at all.  I have a total of three classes each week and only 1 real University class that meets for 3 hours one day a week.  Fabu.

I have to say, this is quite different from our last school where everything we did had to be created and planned to the teeth and talked about forever before anything--if anything--was done about it. 

Both of us are feeling more joyful and happy and we are both feeling little to no stress.  It is quite a happy feeling that we have missed the last 15 months.  

Our apartment.  *sigh*  

Our only "bone of contention."  It is a one bedroom apartment.  It is the size of 2 shoe boxes.  We are very lucky we do not have much furniture and stuff  because it would never fit.  Our suitcases and Eddie's travel case barely fit on our porch/balcony/laundry room.  If you have ever been to my grandmother's house, our apartment is about the size of her of both of her guest bedrooms, no bathroom or hallway in between.  The point is, it's small. 

I won't lie.  I had a little bit of a fit about how small it was then felt like a heal soon after.  It is a new building and new apartment.  It is clean and mold free.  It is actually really pretty and in a good area (close to restaurants and shopping).  Nothing to complain about except it's actual size.  Our bedroom door doesn't even completely open because the wardrobe (that came with the apartment) fits only in that particular spot and it won't fit in the kitchen area (believe me, we tried).  Our kitchen area isn't even large enough for a small table and 2 chairs.  Oh.  Did you forget we have a cat?  The second question we asked ourselves when we saw our abode was, "where is Eddie's litter box going to go?"  Well, it is under the desk in our bedroom.  It isn't an issue because we clean it every day, but still.

Other than that, we are very happy with our new jobs.

We have time to do what we need to do and time to do things we want to do. 

It is great.

Hello Korea!

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