Monday, October 7, 2013

Babies Are Us

Well, we are trying to have a baby.

Am I pregnant?  No.

We are going to be doing IVF.  For those of you unaware:  In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).

Basically we have been trying to have a baby for almost 2 years and it wasn't working.  Had some tests done and IVF is our only option. 

Since we are Americans living in South Korea, this is a great idea for a blog because we don't know anyone else who has done this (foreigner completing IVF in South Korea).  

We decided to blog about it in a separate blog.  This information may come in handy for someone out there so we are blogging about the entire process.  

All of the information we could find about foreigners having babies was more about the paperwork after the baby is born and where to find maternity clothes and only then, in Seoul.  Well, Korea isn't only about Seoul.

Check out our Baby Blog and follow the adventure.   When things happen, we'll write it up.  Injections, bruises, cravings...all of it. 

Also, if you have gone through this please tell us.  We need some support over here.  Researching about it online only goes so far.  No crazies need apply. 

Baby Blog

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