Thursday, September 20, 2012

Car: 0 Me: 1 9/18/12

So it has finally happened.

After further reflection and observation of my bruises I thought this deserved a few sentences on this blog.

I got hit by a car.

Yes, you read that correctly.  A car hit me.  I was in the crosswalk riding my bike on my way home from work.

It is a fairly busy crosswalk/street.  It is a one way area and all traffic goes one way.  The car revved up to turn right and plowed into me on the left side of the car near the side mirror.  I went from that position to up and over the car hood and landed in the road right in front of the car. My bike came along for the ride with me. Still under me.  I estimate the car was going approximately 5-10mph.

It seemed to happen in slow motion and all I was thinking was, "I'm in korea getting hit by a car...weird." I sat on the road for a minute with my bike under me and the driver and his wife got out of the car and I can actually speak better Korean than I thought. Haha.

I checked myself and nothing broken or even scratched. My bike is fine, the only thing wrong with it was the chain fell off and the driver fixed it. I was very shaky but otherwise fine.

In Korea you exchange phone numbers with whoever is involved with the crash and you contact each other if you go to the hospital or anything like that so the at fault party can pay for damages.  No courts or suing people (usually).  Cash is always exchanged in some way or another.  The couple wanted my cell phone number but since I really wasn't hurt I didn't think they needed it.  They tried to give me  some money but I said no.  In the end they shoved some bills into my bike basket which I thought was unnecessary but very kind of them.  I really just wanted to get out of there.

Anyway, I am fine, just a bit shaken up from everything.  I have a lot of bruises on my legs and a small area that is scraped from my bike pedal.  It didn't even sting when I washed it.  I didn't hit my head or anything serious like that either thank goodness.

Upon waking up the next day the only thing that was sore were my knees when I went to kneel on the carpet at school.

Joseph wasn't there---he had gone on ahead home already because I had to stay and test a few kids but when I got home and told him he was super concerned and worried and wanted to take me to the hospital but since I didn't hit my head and nothing was hurting more than a bruise I asked him not to take me.

So there it is.  I got hit by a car.  A Hyundai to be exact.  Thank goodness it wasn't a good quality car or else I might not have made it!  Hahaha.

Korea still rocks and the next day I got on the bike and rode to work.

So who is first to come visit?  :-)

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