Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Goals for Korea

No, we didn't just pick up and move out of the country and happen to fall in South Korea.  It was a carefully planned and thought out idea that grew into something both of us said, "why not?" instead of, "why?"

Our reasons for moving to South Korea vary but we decided to make some goals for while we are here:

1. Travel around Korea--both North and South.  Yes, there are a few tours taking brave persons North of the border.  We are brave.
One such tour takes you to a city in North Korea called Kaesong City.  It is a day trip and you have to be very careeful about the pictures you take.  At the return crossing back into South Korea the officers check the pictures you have taken on your camera and if you have pictures you should not it could be a troublesome situation.

2. Travel to Japan.  This can be a day trip amazingly enough.  Or at least a weekend trip. We are able to take a ferry from Pusan to 3 local areas in Japan.  We are saving money for this as it can get expensive.  The Lunar New Year is looking like a distinct possiblility for this trip.  We have also learned that expacts jump onto this ferry if they need to leave the country for a few hours for their Visa's to be extended or other similar reasons.

3. Visit China.  Specifically Shangahi (The Orient Express, of course).  It is also possible to take a ferry to China as well althrough it is more ideal as a long weekend adventure.  We are looking forward to going to see many aspects of China from eating scorpions (a friend said they taste like chicken, but crunchy) to walking on the Great Wall to sitting in the Orient Express. 

4. Travel to as many places in the Orient and in Asia as we are able.

We have such a great opportunity living here.  We want to make sure we do as much as we can and see as many places and experience as many cultures as we can.

We love to travel and being here allows us to do just that.  There are other goals we have as well, but they are better off not being published on such a public forum.

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