Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Bendy Straws and Tape [4-21-12]

No, I'm not talking about some strange Korean custom.  It's Korean Take-Out!

You can get ANYTHING delivered to your house from lunch to a spouse. 

Really?  Yup.

Clothes, food, electronics, worldwide items, furniture, a new house, home maintenance, rental cars, car repair, brides...all of these items can be delivered to your home--usually with no delivery fee (it's included in the price).

Korea has perfected it's delivery service.  There are always motorcycles about delivering things.  There's several businesses where that is their sole purpose: deliveries. 
Running Man is such a business.  The company has many motorcycles and hires fearless young men to deliver items small and large to the people who order them.

It's amazing.  And terrifying.

You can be an invalid and still have a full life.  You can be housebound and not feel as if you are missing out.

Anything can be bought and delivered to your home in some way.  Just use your phone to scan and pay then select delivery or pick up.  Simple.  Amazing.  Scary...?

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