Friday, June 6, 2014

Whew! Whirlwind of Activity!

Lots of interesting things going on.  Some we can talk about and some we can't, just yet.

Baby things going on pretty quickly now so that is the main reason we haven't posted on here since the end of April.  Where did the time go?  I seems like it is still April and here it is almost the middle of June.

Interesting stuff going on with our jobs.  We will post about that when we are able to.

We went with Brian to Lotte World which is a theme park loosely based on Disney.

Honestly, we have been pretty preoccupied with baby business so we haven't done much else.  Between work and going to the doctor in Seoul a couple of times a week--we don't have much time for anything else and frankly, I just want to rest if we have an odd day of nothing going on.

Oh!  We did buy a tent and a mat to put in the tent for those days we are able to do nothing.  We bought it and had a picnic on the river.  It was so relaxing and a lot of fun.  We brought food, cards and books (Kindle) with us and even witnessed an altercation between 3 women and 1 man (all considerably older than we are).  I'm almost ashamed to say I ogled them the entire time, but not really.  It was interesting.   The police even came and made 2 of the women leave and the other woman and man could resume their own version of a picnic as they were before it all began. 

I still maintain the man was cheating on his wife and she's the one who found him on the river with the other woman...

Anywho, that's how much we haven't been doing lately for me to find that interesting.

Photos!  Of Lotte World! 


May 4th, Joseph, Brian and I went to Lotte World.  We got there about 11am or so and stayed until...9ish. We are all Disney people and this is nothing like Disney, but you have to appreciate that they really tried to make it so.  There is an inside and an outside portion of the park.  Lotte is a huge corporation here and anything related to the company of Lotte was being sold here. 

The next post will be all photos from Lotte World.

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