Saturday, June 14, 2014

E's Birthday 2014

This birthday was probably the first birthday where I didn't feel any different.

First, J and I went to a friend's wedding.  Next, we went home to change and go to dinner with Brian.  I chose the smoke house in our first neighborhood, Songchon.  The place is the best and has the most delicious smoked sausages and duck.  They also have ribs which are pretty darn tasty.

We came home after that and watched a couple of movies then went to bed.

It was a good birthday.  We laughed a lot and got to spend it with good people.

my birthday breakfast!

mother's walking down the aisle

waiting for the wedding to begin

before walking down the aisle, people go meet and greet the bride and get their picture taken with her

the wedding hall complete with spot lights, disco ball, etc.

the happy couple's table set up before you walk in the hall to sit down

birthday dinner. smoke house!

we went to Dada's afterword...

my birthday flowers


Joseph and I go on many dates.  Our life is one big date.

We really enjoy being together and doing things together.  However, we do like to do extra special things together that we don't normally do.  We call these dates.

A couple of weekends ago we took our bikes on a long ride.  Maybe 20km (okay, it's not that long but it was a hot day so it felt longer).

We went to have some of our favorite coffee, KIV, then went to eat lunch: dalk galbi.  A delicious Korean spicy chicken dish.  After that we walked around the neighborhood and saw new things and old things and then rode toward our way home stopping to share a few desserts and talk some more.  It was great.  We hardly ever do the "Korean Coffee Shop dating thing" so when we actually do it, we can see why Korean's enjoy doing this.

Our favorite coffee spot: KIV

great view

people can write notes and stick them around the place. Ours are there somewhere.

they roast their own coffee and have legit Kona.  Yummm. 

Such a cute place.

dalk galbi restaurant

spicy marinated chicken in hot pan over flame being cut into bits

add cabbage, sliced sweet potato, dalk (stick of rice cake) and additional hot spiciness

unlimited sides. From front: marinated onions, kimchi, carrots, garlic and hot spice and of course, lettuce

mush everything around to ensure optimal doneness

almost ready!

when it is almost complete, add basil leaves or sesame leaves

neighborhood wanderings

our bikes

dessert cafe

part of where we were riding


Vietnamese Coffee 
Joseph and I heard about a place run by Asian women from Cambodia, Thailand, and the Philippines.  We had to check it out.  Their food is amazing, but their coffee is even more so.  

sweetened and condensed milk in the bottom of the glass

in the silver contraption are the coffee grinds and then our waitress poured in the hot water.
When all the water is finished seeping through into your glass, stir and enjoy!

dates were given to us in addition to the coffee.
It was a perfect accompaniment and our new favorite fruit!