Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Divine One [April 26]

Feliz cumpleaños to me. 

I love my birthday.  Joseph and I each get a birthday week.  Really the entire month, but we shoot for the week.  It's super.  

My birthday this year was a Friday and the students at our school were great.  They sang to me, made me little cards and were asking me how old I was and what did Joseph Teacher get me.  

Our work family, Joseph and I had a fun lunch at Pascucci with real American cheesecake from Costco (thanks Tiffany and Brian!) and the ladies that work there gave me 2 coupons for free coffee.  So unexpected and so kind of them!  I asked if it was okay to have a picture with them but they were unable to.  

The next day, Joseph, Brian, Tiffany and I went to Busan.  We took the KTX (fast train) and had a list of things to choose from.  We went to the Wolfhound first and ate breakfast while we decided what to do for the rest of the day. 

A walk around Dongbaek Island which is not a real island, but is a pretty forested area with a walk along the coast.  We wandered around here for awhile and saw a poster image of the perfect Korean couple enjoying the scenery. 

Next, we went to a beautiful Temple and perhaps the most beautiful spot in Korea.  Definitely in my top 2.  There is a bridge you cross to get to the temple and while you are on the bridge you throw a coin and try to make it into the bowl.  If you do, it is supposed to mean good luck.   Guess who got it in the bowl?  Tiffany!  She is now the Divine One.  :-P

We were a bit tired so we headed to the largest Shinsege in the world.  We had dinner then Tiffany and I went shopping and Brian and Joseph wandered around the area.  

An incredibly fast taxi ride later we arrived at the train station for our ride home.  

The next day, Kate, Joseph and I hung out near the river and walked around.  

Super fun birthday and brilliant people to share it with!  


  1. saeng il chuk-ha ham ni da :)

    1. I love how you people think I know what this says...Joseph is the literate one. I just speak. LOL
      If it was in Korean it'd be better though. I am learning my environmental print!
