Wednesday, June 27, 2012

We are officially....


Joseph and I are officially Korean as of last night.

Most showers in Korea are actually sinks with a switch or handle you turn to convert your sink into a shower.  Last night ours decided to stop working. 

Like any person would we tried to fix this handy device and decided it wouldn't work by our power alone.

The other option?

Use the faucet sticking out of the wall.  No joke.  This faucet is about 15 inches off the ground and is used, we think, to wash feet, the bathroom floor, fill buckets with water and other options we are not aware of at this time.

Guess how we took a shower?  That's right. 

Love Korea!
Not our bathroom
just an example of the shower and faucet towards the floor
(ours doesn't have a hot water option)

(New photos of our place are upcoming as soon as everything finds its rightful place)


  1. hang in there elizabeth and joseph, all will work out.


    1. It isnt bad. :)
      it`s all an adventure over here. we have been laughing about it.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
