Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Buddha's Birthday: Ziplining! [5/28]

Buddha's Birthday.  May 28, 2012.

A perfect day for zip-lining.

Most schools have a holiday for this day and most federal offices and some shops as well. Thankfully Herb Hillz in Daegu was not one of the places that was closed.

Herb Hillz is a small amusement park that is very natural in its settings.  It has small activities and rides for children and young adults and also has exhibits about herbs and flowers and one very cool thing:  zip-lining.  This activity is designed for both children and adults in addition to the various skill levels.  We did not explore much of this park other than the walk through to the zip-lining area so we don't have much information on the rest of the park.  It was very picturesque and lovely though with flowers and lots of trees and you could hear birds.  Click Here

Here is a short video taken in 2011. 

For roughly $18 USD each we were able to have our zip-lining experience.  This included our 5 minutes of training and as much zipping as we could handle.  Score!

So after the 5 or so minutes of 'training' by our totally fluent Korean speaker we all grabbed our gloves, hats and harneses and had at it.  The practice training course that is.  Were we required to complete this tiny course?  Not technically?  Perhaps it was just to practice the various moves needed for the actual zip-lining.

The practice course was fun and made us excited to try the real thing.

practice course
The course map explains which courses are designed for younger or less experienced persons and which are more for older or slightly more experienced persons.

Joseph, Amy, Becki and Bart headed for the hardest course and Lily, Lee Ann and I headed to the middle course.  Glad we did!
Through the course you were able to see the other people while they were on theirs.  Most of the courses crisscrossed each other at different heights.  The course Joseph, Amy, Becki and Bart did varied in height most of the course seemed to be around 50 feet or a bit higher off the ground.  So awesome.  In contrast, our course was maybe 30 feet or so from the ground at its highest point.

Crawling through barrels, walking a tightrope (always wanted to), balancing on tiny pieces of wood and hopping to the next tiny piece in addition to going on your zip-line and pulling yourself up once you "land" on the green mattress.  SO MUCH FUN!  

Everyone had a great time and other than our arms being slightly jello-fied afterwards we were no worse for the wear.  It was a great time and we can't wait to go again!

All pictures courtesy of Bart.  He took them and we stole them for our own blogs or other fun reasons. 
Thanks Bart!!

We are officially....


Joseph and I are officially Korean as of last night.

Most showers in Korea are actually sinks with a switch or handle you turn to convert your sink into a shower.  Last night ours decided to stop working. 

Like any person would we tried to fix this handy device and decided it wouldn't work by our power alone.

The other option?

Use the faucet sticking out of the wall.  No joke.  This faucet is about 15 inches off the ground and is used, we think, to wash feet, the bathroom floor, fill buckets with water and other options we are not aware of at this time.

Guess how we took a shower?  That's right. 

Love Korea!
Not our bathroom
just an example of the shower and faucet towards the floor
(ours doesn't have a hot water option)

(New photos of our place are upcoming as soon as everything finds its rightful place)