Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Brave Little Toaster

We have seen a few movies while in Korea: Harry Potter, Johnny English (we were desperate for an English movie), and The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.   

The movies are in English with Korea subtitles as expected.  What isn't expected are the reactions of the Koreans while sitting in the theater.

The fun part is how the Koreans don't react to the movie.  A car could explode, a couple could have the best meaningful conversation on the silver screen or the funniest joke known to man could be taking place and the Korean people do not react at all. Not a sniff, chuckle, laugh or gasp can be heard during a movie. 

A group of us have decided this is because of our background knowledge of the situations and vocabulary taking place in the movies.  If something funny happens and the foreigners laugh, there is almost a delayed reaction from the Koreans; almost as if they are thinking, 'They are laughing so it must be funny...let's laugh too!'

Just another "-ism" in lovely Korea!

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