Monday, August 28, 2017

Trip to America; July 2017

Now that Jasper is born Joseph and I try to take him home to visit family once a year.

This was the second time Jasper has been to America and it was great.  He was so much more aware and moving around and just really enjoyed himself and all of the s p a c e that was around him.

First, Jasper and I spent almost 2 weeks in Virginia to spend time with Joseph's family: his brother and sister in law.

We had a really nice time and spent the 4th of July there.  They live close to Monticello so it was interesting.  Jasper got sick for a few days while there-an ear infection.  Went to the doctor and it was $119 for the visit.  Not too bad for not having health insurance.  Jasper really liked playing with his cousins.  Playing in the pool, going to the park--we saw a deer!--and just being a kid playing with his family.

Then Jasper and I flew to Orlando.  This was an all day adventure and by the time it was over I onl had ONE diaper left.  ONE DIAPER.  Things were getting serious.
Our original flight time had us reaching Orlando at 2pm.  No problem.
Due to other weirdness we waited at the Richmond airport until ONE PM then flew to Chicago and then getting to Orlando by about 10:30PM.  WOAH.  With a 2 year old this was interesting but Jasper did a great job.

Mom and dad picked us up and to their house we drove.  Swimming pools, parks, riding bikes, the beach, visiting Gigi...such a great time.  We went in the pool almost every day and we went to McDonalds one day so Jasper could get a Happy Meal: he got a Minion's toy which he promptly dropped into a puddle on the way to the car (bye-bye toy).  It was really hard to come back to Korea.  Really, really hard.

Jasper's English drastically improved and at school now his teacher says he speaks mostly English but he still remembers Korean.

Billie Jo and I spent a lot of time together too which was fabulous.  Her boys helped me clean out our storage unit and then we got rid of everything and kept a small amount.  It was really nice to spend a lot of time with each other.

Jasper was speaking small compound sentences before going to America but now they are larger compound sentences with more inflection and larger vocabulary words.

Hopefully we will begin making plans to visit again soon.

August Birthday's

Two of our friends have birthdays on the same day: August 27th.

It's interesting.  Joseph has the same birthday as Elvis (THE Elvis), but I have never met anyone with the same birthday as myself.

One friend, Lee Ann, was speaking about different places to celebrate her special day and decided she wanted to go to a 5 star hotel to have High Tea. It was AMAZING!  So cute and fun.  Joseph, Jasper, her and I went yesterday (Saturday) and had an adventure from start to finish.

We had red velvet pancakes for breakfast and then drove to Seoul. The drive was quite long and when we arrived at the hotel we put our name on the list. After an hour and a half of waiting it was finally our turn.

We left there and drove to the Palace to walk off our tea.  So pretty at night.  We had not been to the Palace yet--or any other tourist attractions since being in Korea.  It was lovely!  The photos do not quite show how lovely it is.

Next, we drove around to Itaewon in case we were hungy and nothing sounded or looked quite right so we headed on the drive back to Daejeon.

Arriving home around 2am.  It was such a nice day.

On Sunday we went to a lamb restaurant and ate lamb chops and lamb skewers.  Delicious! We went to Starbucks for dessert and coffee: blueberry cheesecake and coffee.  Back at our house we each had a glass of Moscato to bring the festivities an end.  Happy Birthday, Lee Ann!