Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Just itching to travel!

Saving our money for baby things is great but we are itching to go somewhere!


Wednesday, April 23, 2014


So many things to plan about when deciding to make a trip home to America.  Lists of what we need from home that we can't get here, asking a few people what they need from home (or really, really want), and deciding how much money to spend when we get there.  Not to mention the expensive plane ticket price from here (around $1400).

We may have an opportunity to go home for a visit soon and we can't wait.  To see as much family as possible and spend time together.  It is always hard.  You haven't seen each other for awhile so to fit in all of those conversations in a short amount of time can be awkward and lightening fast.  Same with friends.

Yes, of course, there is email and Facebook and other social media but it simply isn't possible to enlighten everyone all the time about what is going on--from both ends, not just us.  I find it much easier and more endearing to have face to face conversations and interactions.  To see the person and touch their arm or give them a hug is so much more satisfying than an email or Facebook conversation.

When we finally do leave Korea (who knows when?!) we would like to perhaps end up in Prague or somewhere in Poland.  Then, a flight home for a long weekend would be attainable and a lot closer than here.  It takes a full 2 days to fly home from Korea and if we lived closer to Prague or Poland it would be about 10-12 hours.  Much closer for surprise visits and things--plus more options for surprise airline deals!

Our first priority is paying off student loans and so we are.  One has just 3 months until it is finished then there are 3 more.  *fingers crossed!*

Monday, April 14, 2014

New Places To See!

CNN has come out with another list of the Top 40 places to visit in South Korea.

Joseph and I have been to a few of them already and it has opened our eyes to a few places we have not heard about and would like to go visit.

Check them out!
South Korea destinations


Sunday, April 13, 2014


This weekend Joseph and I did some amazing and super fun and exciting things.  We went rock climbing in the DMZ, ate munk fish and live squid until we burst and ..... just kidding. You are not actually allowed to do anything within the DMZ or you would most likely be shot by North or South Korean soldiers.

What we did instead was go to breakfast at a new place our friend Emily told us about called British Pantry.  It is pretty yummy.  We ate there then took the subway back to go to O'World which is a type of theme park/zoo/Cypress Gardens. 

We have been to British Pantry a few times before.  It is pretty yummy.  Their eggs are cooked well and they have non-Korean breakfast sausages which makes it worth it.  If you take the subway to Nonun station you will find it past the restrooms on the left. 

espresso and tea

traditional full English breakfast

special High Tea set

O'World was 13,000w per person and 29,000w per person for a day pass (not sure of the differences between the two).  You were able to go to both areas of the park: plant world and the zoo. 
We did not pay to go inside but we walked around the perimeter and were able to see many things as most of the flowers were not in bloom yet.  Carnival type rides and really pretty flower displays which will be shown to a better advantage in a month or so.

We then took the bus back home and exercised, took a walk around our neighborhood and watched a couple of movies.  We went to Dino Meat which is an exceptional Korean BBQ joint.  For 16,000w per person it is all you can eat beef!!, pork, sausage (Korean kind), and assorted side dishes.  Completely worth the price you should go hangry.  Yummy cuts of assorted beef.  It is delicious.  Most foreigners go specifically for the beef just because in a normal Korean BBQ, pork is always available at a decent price.
Beef is very expensive in Korea so people normally do not buy it in the markets unless it is a special occasion.

Sunday, Tiffany is leaving to go to America so we said good bye to her and will see her in 6 weeks upon her return.  Her husband, Joseph and I have a few things on the agenda while she is away such as Lotte World which is a theme park in Seoul. 

Last week, I had dinner with my favorite Korean girls:  Jennifer and Kate.  Their mom asked me if I'd like to go to dinner with them to VIPS (steak and salad bar--Korean style) and so I went.  We shared a steak and had some of the sides offered there but mostly we laughed and pulled funny faces.  It was great. 

Taking Penny on a river walk.  Fun times!!


Living in Korea you pick up on the little day to day "-isms" that go on in the country.  When you are teaching English in the schools whether it be a university, public school, or Hagwon you pretty much get the same types of questions, reactions and scrutiny going on around you.

There is a website that can give better insight to certain types of these "-isms" much better than I can explain them to you.  As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. 

Read through them and laugh.  99% of them are insanely accurate.