Tuesday, January 28, 2014

So Tired!

Well we are moved and not moving again for as long as possible.
It was an adventure and that is about the only thing now we can say about it.
More details later but our day involved 6 very old men in 3 pickup trucks moving 5 apartments.
Start time: 9am
Real Start Time: 2ish
End Time: 4p
Adventure Time: 2p-7p
A tempting photo:

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Hey, Hey!

We are finally moving into a larger apartment.  

The university I work with has constructed new buildings specifically for married employees.

Joseph and I have looked at them during construction and learned yesterday we will move in on Jan. 27th.

Excited!  They are all 2 bedrooms except for one, which is a studio for a single person.  The bathroom alone is worth it.  A real shower in its own space versus over the sink.  Almost like a real shower from home. 

The university pays for the movers and all we are required to do is pack our things.  Movers will move all of our stuff and we will do the rest.


Weekend in Seoul

Joseph and I had a doctors appointment in Seoul and decided to treat ourselves to a nice hotel weekend while we were at it.

We needed it after a tense couple of months and had a really nice time. 
celebrating our holiday

A great time and we ordered room service. We needed a fun time and we had one!

lamb chops and pad thai

sea squirt--delicious

ice skating

they made us wear helmets...

we are super cute in our crash helmets

it's a bird! it's a plane!

the Ritz photo area

view from our hotel room

shark fin deliciousness


'till we meet again

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Apartment Video

Here is a video of our shoebox.

It's small, but new and clean.  Cannot say more than that!

UPDATED VIDEO!      February 2, 2014*